Saturday 7 November 2009

Autumn Rocks!

I've been saving the sentiment of this blog for the perfect occasion. This morning provided such an occasion.

I love autumn. Winter's to cold; summer's too hot; spring's to optimistic. Autumn is, for me, the perfect combination of warm sun, cool air, occasional rain and nostalgia.

The colours in autumn are so much more vivid to me than at any other time of year. This cartoon (from xkcd) sums it up for me:

Autumn is a time when you make the effort to drive to somewhere you've already seen, just to see it at this time of year.

From past experience I always associate autumn with a new start. Almost invariably a new academic year, having worked in the education sector since I left my student role in it.

It is the perfect time to sit down and think about where you're at, what the next step is and how to make it happen. In winter all I'm thinking about is how to make the money last until after Christmas, and spring and summer are too jolly and action packed with holidays to really reflect.

I've always been convinced that the only way to enjoy autumn at it's best was to go for a long walk in the country, far away from traffic and urbanisation. But this morning I was equally happy just to drive from London to Brighton (not the most scenic route, I know) and enjoy the free flowing traffic and the blazing sun that destroys my retinas if I catch even a glimpse of it.

Today will be a good day...

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