Thursday, 22 October 2009

A watched kettle...

... contrary to popular folklore, will invariably boil. An obvious statement, you may say, but so obvious is this statement that many people take it for granted.

I could go and praise the amazing work of Lord Weir and the existence of the National Grid, but this is a call to arms for Eco Warriors everywhere.

My green aspirations are nothing new and I have been through the dreadlocked-hippie-university-student phase. Nowadays I am less dogmatic about Green Living and will not scorn others at the drop of a hat for not recycling their paper (Shock, horror!).

However, recently I have moved to Brighton, a city popular with the Green vote. I am shocked at the number of the people I meet who are oblivious to their impact on the environment and still boil a whole kettle of water to make one cup of tea. I even live with a man who boils a whole kettle "so that whoever uses it next doesn't have to wait as long"!

I implore everyone with a scrap of common sense and decency to think very carefully about how you can help us make this world last a little longer. It is well documented that abusing the grid in the way mentioned above wastes a expletive huge amount amount of energy.

Do those of you who still boil a whole kettle for one mug of Ovaltine not feel the sting of guilt that you have slapped Mother Nature in the face every time you do this?

I remember the moment when I realised that although I may be a small fish in a 1,400,000,000 km3 pond everything I do has an effect on the environment. 'For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction'. Twisting Netwon's laws to fit my analogy may be a little pretentious but humanity must realise that we affect the world we live in. The laws of nature will not overlook the stray wrapper and she will count every single one as an act against her survival.

Can we not see that once Earth is made uninhabitable we have nowhere else to live?

So, please, make it your life's goal to protect our habitat in whatever you do. Recycle your paper, buy fair trade products, only boil as much water as you need. Vast and varied as our world may be, we only have one chance to get it right.

1 comment:

  1. Have you considered the amount of energy wasted every time we have to go and fill the kettle with one portion of water and the negative impact created by the frustration derived from selfish kettle under-filling?

    And you have caused me to write an over-long rambling sentence. Have you considered that???
